Player equipment consists of an NCSP game shirt, shorts, socks, and closed toed shoes (Soccer Cleats Recommended). Players will not be allowed to participate while wearing any jewelry that may hurt others or themselves during play.
One referee will be responsible for the control of the game. This also includes mandatory substitutions of the players done at his/her discretion. We require that coaches do their best to give equal playtime. THE DESIRES OF THE COACH IS ALWAYS SUBORDINATE TO THE DECISIONS OF THE REFEREE-DIRECTOR.
Duration of the Game: Each team has 10 minutes before the game to warm up. Two halves of 22 minutes each, with a 2-minute half-time interval. Each team is allowed 1 time-out per half (time-outs are 30 seconds long) when there is a dead ball in their possession. There will be a five-minute sudden death overtime for all play-off finals in the case of a tie. Players with 3 goals can still score. If the game is still tied at the end of the overtime, the game will go to a five-shot shootout from the “red-line” nearest the opponent’s goal. The team with the most goals wins!! Finals will never end in a tie.
Ball in and out of Play: The ball is out of play when it hits the fence or goes over the perimeter wall, when a goal is scored, or when the referee stops play. The ball is in play at all other times, even if it rebounds off the referee.
Method of Scoring: A goal is scored when the whole ball passes completely over the goal line, providing no infraction has been committed by the attacking team. Additionally, the attacking team cannot score from within the arc. All free kicks are direct and a goal can be scored from any free kick excluding the kick off. Goals scored while sliding will not count.
Three Line Violation: There is a three-line violation if the ball is kicked in the air over all three lines. The opposing team is awarded a free kick from the center of the line closest to the goal they are attacking.
Fouls and misconduct: A player who kicks, trips, strikes, boards, jumps at, pushes, holds, slides, or who handles the ball shall be penalized by a direct free kick. On free kicks a player may only kick the ball one time, i.e., may not pass to himself. After kicking the ball either a teammate or opponent must touch the ball before the original player kicking can touch it again. A player guilty of obstruction, or dangerous play can also be awarded a foul. A peewee may be sent off the field if the referee deems it necessary for cooling off or safe play. The foul procedure is a follows:
- A player may be cautioned by the ref for conduct. (1st warning)
- A player may be sent off the field and substituted with another player. (2nd warning)
- A player may be sent off the field for two minutes and may not be substituted during that time period. (3rd warning)
Parents may be issued warnings for unsportsmanlike conduct.
Substitutions: COACHES MUST PLAY ALL PLAYERS AT LEAST HALF THE GAME. COACHES MUST ALSO ROTATE PLAYERS IN A FAIR MANNER. IN OTHER WORDS, ONE PLAYER SHOULD NOT PLAY GOALIE FOR A WHOLE HALF WHILE OTHER PLAYERS ROTATE IN AND OUT OF THE FIELD PLAYING ALL THE OTHER POSITIONS. A coach may substitute his players on the fly at any point during the game. The player entering the field must wait until his teammate leaves the field. When substituting neither player can touch the ball until the player leaving the field is off. The referee will allow a guaranteed substitution (the referee will hold the play until the coach completes his substitution) whenever the coach asks the referee for the substitution during any stoppage of play.
Number of players on the field: Peewee teams (age 4-11) all begin the game with four players on the field. A team may play with as few as THREE if necessary. A team may add one player (for a total of 5) whenever the goal differential is 3 or more. The team will be reduced to 4 once the differential has been tied for 4- and 5-year olds and reduced to 1 for all other age groups. Coaches are allowed on the field for the first game of the season in the younger divisions but otherwise may not enter the field of play unless allowed by the referee.
LAW 10
The Arc: A player cannot block a direct shot that in the referee’s opinion would have gone in while being in the white arc. A player is considered in the arc when the point of contact with the ball is within the arc. A player may not be outside the arc and reach in with a foot to block the ball. Balls blocked in the air are the referee’s discretion whether the ball had passed into the arc or not. If a player blocks a shot while in the arc, a goal will be awarded to the team that is shooting. A player can enter the arc and stop a ball from going into the goal as long as he/she enters the arc after the ball enters the arc.
LAW 11
The clock will only stop for injuries, time-outs, and other times the referee feels it may be necessary to stop the clock. A time-out can be called by the coach whenever his team has possession during a stoppage of play.
LAW 12
All peewees are only allowed to score a maximum of three goals in any one game. Loss of possession and a goal kick will be awarded for any goal(s) beyond a player’s limit.
LAW 13
Only the coach & assistant coach are allowed in the dugout during play. At the youngest age league, one coach is also allowed on the field for the first game but may not touch the ball.
LAW 1 – Number of Players & Substitutions:
Maximum of 6 per team on field at any time, and a minimum of 4. Penalties are delayed if it would reduce a team below 4 players. Substitutions may occur “on the fly” provided a player leaving the field arrives at the door before his replacement enters the field. During “guaranteed substitutions,” teams shall be allowed (15) seconds to complete all player changes. Guaranteed substitutions are: when the ball goes out of bounds, during time outs, after a goal is scored (either team), during an injury, and whenever the clock stops. A player may substitute during a foul, but this is not a guaranteed substitution and the team must be certain not to have too many players on the field when the game is restarted (no second whistle is required). Jumping over the wall on substitutions will result in a foul.
LAW 2 – Player Equipment:
Consists of a team shirt (must be identical in color to all other teammates except goalie), flat-soled shoes are recommended when the turf is dry. Soccer shoes with traction soles or turf shoes are recommended when the turf is wet. Teams may not wear black uniforms! Players may not wear rings (except wedding bands), watches, earrings, or hard hair pieces. Shin guards are mandatory for all youth teams up to U-19 (no exceptions). Only goalies may wear hats in order to keep sun from eyes. Players will not be allowed to play with a hard cast (even if it is wrapped). Players wearing orthopedic braces (ie-knee braces) must cover the brace with some type of padding. The referee and NCSP management may or may not deem said player equipment to be safe and their decision is final.
LAW 3 – Duration of the Game: Teams will have a maximum of ten (10) minutes prior to starting the game to warm up and practice on 1/2 of the field. Games will be 22-minute halves with a three-minute half-time:
Each team is allowed one 30 second time-out per half when there is a dead ball in their possession. A time-out can be called by the goalie (with the ball at his/her feet or hands), or a field player when the ball is out of play. If the game is tied, a five minute sudden death period will follow. If the game is still tied at the end of sudden death, a shootout will decide the winner (five vs. five and then 1 vs. 1 if necessary). All games will be played with a “running clock.” The clock will NOT stop for two-minute penalties unless the referee signals for stoppage. The clock will stop during serious injuries and timeouts.
LAW 4 – Method of Scoring:
A goal is scored when the whole ball pass completely over the goal line, providing no infraction has been committed by the attacking team. A goal will not count if the attacking player slides to score. It is not considered a foul if a player stretches to score and then falls.
LAW 5 – Three Line Violation:
Whenever the ball is kicked in the air, over all 3 lines without touching a player or the wall.
LAW 1 – Number of Players & Substitutions:
Maximum of 6 per team on field at any time for adult teams, Substitutions may occur “on the fly” provided a player leaving the field arrives at the door before his replacement enters the field. A player may substitute during a foul, but this is not a guaranteed substitution and the team must be certain not to have too many players on the field when the game is restarted (no second whistle is required). Jumping over the wall on substitutions will result in a 2-minute penalty to the offending player and the departing player must still leave the field.
Effective 12-18-24. Teams may only have a player on their team roster if that player has completed an NCSP Waiver of Liability form and the Manager on duty or Scorekeeper has personally checked it off. Plan ahead. Get your NCSP annual ID card inside the park office. No exceptions.
Law 2 – Player Equipment:
Consists of a team shirt with a prominent and permanent number attached to it (shirt must be identical in color and style to all other teammates except goalie), soccer shoes with traction soles or rubber soccer cleats. No baseball, football, or metal cleats allowed! Players may not wear rings (except wedding bands), watches, earrings, or hard hair pieces. Only goalies may wear hats in order to keep sun from eyes. Players will not be allowed to play with a hard cast (even if it is wrapped). Players wearing orthopedic braces (i.e.,-knee braces) must cover the brace with some type of padding. The referee and NCSP management may or may not deem said player equipment to be safe and their decision is final.
SAME SHIRT Color and Style
Effective 12-18-24. Each player on a team must have the SAME COLOR AND STYLE shirt.
The only exceptions to this are if you have a medical release that requires you to wear a different kind of shirt, it is a player’s very first game ever with the team, or you are the goalie. Don’t come to the soccer park without your uniform. No exceptions.
LAW 3 – Duration of the Game:
For eight (8) game seasons, games will consist of two halves of 22 minutes each with one 2-minute half-time interval. Each team is allowed one 30 second time-out per half. A time-out can be called by the goalie (with the ball at his/her feet or hands), or a field player when the ball is out of play. Play-off games will be played with two 22-minute halves. If the game is tied, a five-minute sudden death period will follow. If the game is still tied at the end of sudden death, a penalty kick shoot out will decide the winner (three vs. three and then 1 vs. 1 if necessary). All games will be played with a “running clock.” The clock will NOT stop for two-minute penalties unless the referee signals for stoppage. The clock will stop during serious injuries and time outs. The referee may also order the clock stopped or reset for intentionally kicking the ball out of play when less than 2 minutes remain in the half.
LAW 4 – Method of Scoring:
A goal is scored when the whole ball pass completely over the goal line, providing no infraction has been committed by the attacking team. A goal will not count if the attacking player slides to score. It is not considered a foul if a player stretches to score and then falls.
LAW 5 – Red Line Violation:
It is a violation if the ball is passed forward by the goalie so that it passes over two red lines (3 lines) in the air without being touched by any other player. If this happens, the referee will award a free kick to the opposing team, to be taken at the center point of the red line closest to the attacking goal.
LAW 6 – Free Kicks:
All free kicks are direct (including the kick off). A team will have five seconds to take a free kick. 6 ft. distance is required by the defending team. Quick restarts are allowed. No whistle is required on Free kicks unless the player with the ball asks for 6 feet. A whistle is then required before starting play. A player will receive a two-minute penalty if he/she encroaches (does not attempt to back up to 6 feet but instead blocks the ball). A two-minute may be given if the player is delaying the game (such as holding or keeping the ball from the other team).
LAW 7 – Penalty Kicks:
A penalty kick is awarded for offenses committed in the penalty area that in the referee’s discretion would have prevented a goal scoring opportunity or was flagrant enough to warrant a two minute penalty. Penalty kicks will also be awarded to the team if the defending team slides inside their own penalty area (except the goalie), intentionally handles the ball inside the penalty area, or commits any other two-minute penalty offense in the penalty area. A foul in the penalty area that does not warrant a penalty kick will result in a free kick at the top of the arc. Penalty kicks shall be taken from the penalty spot at the middle of the top of the penalty box. If the penalty kick is missed, then the player sent off for the two-minute offense shall remain in the penalty box for the remaining two minutes, and play resumes from the missed penalty shot. If the penalty kick is scored then play will resume with a kick off and the penalized player may return.
LAW 8 – Goalkeeper Restrictions:
If a goal keeper commits any of the following infractions inside his/her own penalty box, the opponents shall be awarded a free kick at the penalty spot. 1) If the goalkeeper has control of the ball with their hands, they may not release the ball into play and handle it again until it has touched an opponent. 2) Goalies may not bounce the ball. 3) If a teammate intentionally kicks the ball to the goalie, the goalie may not handle the ball. 4) Once the goalie gains full control of the ball with hands or feet inside the penalty box, they must release the ball into play outside the penalty box or to another player within 5 seconds. 5) A goalie may not intentionally clear the ball out of play. If this is done and the referee recognizes the infraction, the restart for the opposing team will be on top of the arc. 6) If a goalkeeper gains possession of the ball outside the penalty box, it may not be handled inside the penalty box until it has been touched by an opponent or play has been stopped.
LAW 9 – Method of Fouls and Misconduct:
A player who trips, boards, jumps at, pushes, holds, violently charges, or charges in the back of an opponent, or who unintentionally handles the ball shall be penalized by a free kick. Anyone of these offenses committed in the penalty area by a defender may result in a penalty kick for the offensive team and a two-minute penalty to the offender. An intentional handball or any of these offenses judged to be very serious by the referee, regardless of their location, shall be penalized by a two-minute penalty against the offender. The two-minute penalty must be served in the penalty box by the individual player that the Blue Card was issued to.
If the player is guilty of unsportsmanlike conduct while in the box, that player may be penalized for additional time or possibly ejected. A player who receives a blue card for dissent must serve that two-minute penalty just like any other two-minute penalty. A player guilty of a second penal offense in any game shall receive a yellow card. Foul and abusive language will increase the penalty to a red card. The third such penalty shall result in a mandatory ejection. If a player receives a red card for any reason, that player shall be ejected for the remainder of the game (he must leave the NCSP property) and must serve a minimum of a one additional game suspension. The game will not restart without the player leaving the property. Refusal to do so will probably extend his suspension. Foul and abusive language will probably increase the suspension. He may be replaced by a substitute who must serve a five-minute penalty before entering the game. If a player refuses to leave the property, we will call the local Sheriff’s office.
If a non-playing personnel (coach, parent, spectator etc.) is guilty of ungentlemanly conduct, he/she shall be awarded a yellow card or ejection (red card), but no time penalty shall be served by any player for a non-player’s misconduct. A second offense by a non-player of the same team that received the yellow card can cause a blue card to be issued with the referee picking which arbitrary player will serve the 2-minute penalty. The full 2-minutes will be served. The opposing team scoring a goal does not negate the time penalty. Any verbal abuse directed to an NCSP manager, scorekeeper, referee or guest by anyone (player, coach, parent, spectator) will not be ignored and may result in permanent suspension of NCSP privileges with no refund of monies paid. It is the policy of NCSP to keep your soccer park family friendly and recreational. Our code of conduct is not lengthy or unreasonable but it is rigid and inflexible.
Power play return:
If one team is reduced by penalties to fewer players on the field than its opponents and the team having more players scores a goal, then the player who has served the most of his penalty time can return to the game. Only one penalized player may return on each goal unless the 2 minute penalties are fully served.
Ineligible players:
If a player has received a red card and has not served a one game suspension immediately following the red-carded game, his/her team will forfeit all games until the suspension is served. The same penalty will apply to players playing out of required age limit (EX: a 29 year old playing in the 35 and older league). Any player playing illegally is the responsibility of the coach (captain). Any player who plays illegally (plays without being on roster or is too young for the league or plays without a waiver) will cause his team to forfeit 0-10 and may also be suspended from playing.
All games, except the championship final, that conclude with a tie score after regulation time will be considered a tie game.
Three points will be awarded for a win, one for a tie, and zero for a loss. The tie breaker procedure will be: A) head to head, B) lowest goals against, and C) goal differential (in that order).
All players awarded a red card will serve a minimum one game suspension and may be suspended entirely from all remaining games if the management deems it necessary, depending on the severity of the incident. Fighting will not be tolerated at the NCSP, and will result in a red card, and or forfeit, and/or league suspension for any player(s) involved, including the entire team if necessary! One punch (hit or miss) = 8 weeks minimum suspension (no refund). 1st red card for infraction = minimum 1 game suspension. 2nd red card (within a calendar year) = minimum 8 weeks suspension. 3rd red card (within a calendar year) = minimum 1 year suspension. Threatening a referee (including verbal threats) = minimum 1 year suspension (probable indefinite suspension). Spitting at referee or physically assaulting referee in any circumstance = automatic lifetime suspension. Any intentional action to cause serious injury (head butt, etc.) will result in a minimum one-year suspension and possible indefinite suspension. Any player who leaves the bench in a fight will cause his team to forfeit that game 0-10. Any player suspended for fighting will not be allowed to participate in any of the leagues at NCSP throughout the entire term of the suspension.
NCSP is a member of The Network, an association of Soccer Facilities including the Magdalena Ecke YMCA, Bradley Park San Marcos Soccer Arena, and the Escondido Sports Center. Any serious suspension at NCSP will also be enforced at all the other Network Facilities. For example, if a player is suspended for 8 weeks at the NCSP, he/she will also be suspended from the other Network facilities. Also, the Poway Sportsplex and NCSP share red card reports with each other.
NCSP is a member of The Network, an association of Soccer Facilities including the Magdalena Ecke YMCA, Bradley Park San Marcos Soccer Arena, and the Escondido Sports Center. Any serious suspension at NCSP will also be enforced at all the other Network Facilities. For example, if a player is suspended for 8 weeks at the NCSP, he/she will also be suspended from the other Network facilities. Also, the Poway Sportsplex and NCSP share red card reports with each other.
Effective 3-20-02. Teams may only have a player on their team roster if that player has completed an NCSP Waiver of Liability form and the Manager on duty or Scorekeeper has personally checked it off. Plan ahead. Get your NCSP annual ID card inside the park office. No exceptions.
Effective 3-20-02. Each player on a team must have the SAME COLOR AND STYLE shirt with a permanent number attached to it that matches on the team roster in the NCSP office. The permanent number must be prominently displayed and match with the number on the team roster in the NCSP office. The number may not be tape or written in marker. A player will not be able to take the field and play without this reasonable step taken. Players may not share their uniform shirts.
The only exceptions to this are if you have a medical release that requires you to wear a different kind of shirt, it is a player’s very first game ever with the team, or you are the goalie. Don’t come to the soccer park without your uniform. No exceptions.
Effective 3-20-02. Players under 18 years old, on both the mini and stadium fields, must wear protective shin guards. The referee must be able to check a valid ID if deemed necessary to verify a player’s age. Bring your own shin guards – don’t expect the soccer park to supply them. No exceptions.
CO-ED Stadium RULES: Teams may have a maximum of three men on the field. Penalties must be served by the player who commits the foul unless committed by the goalie in which case, the gender serving the penalty will be the gender of the offending goalkeeper.
FOR CO-ED MONDAY STADIUM– All players must be at least 18 years old. Shoot-outs must be 3 women and 2 men and they must alternate for the sudden death shoot out. All players can score a maximum of 3 goals per game.
FOR CO-ED MONDAY MINI– No cap on goals for any players.
FOR CO-ED TUESDAY STADIUM- All players can score a maximum of 2 goals per game. We do not keep score in this league. There are no standings. Also, male players can’t take the ball away from female players in the back 75% of the field. However, they can intercept passes in that area originating from a female player.
FOR CO-ED TUESDAY MINI– All players can score a maximum of 3 goals per game.
FOR CO-ED SATURDAY STADIUM– No cap on goals for any players.
: Teams may have no more than two women between 25-29 years old on the roster. Those two women must be designated on roster and be able to show proof of age. ID other than the NCSP Player ID card might be required. No one under 25 years old is allowed to play in this league.
Players can score a maximum of 3 goals per game. When one team is winning by 4 goals, the losing team may add a seventh player onto the field. The extra player can stay on the field until they pull within two (2) goals. If a team is up by eight goals, it doesn’t mean that a team is allowed to add another player unless the winning team allows them. Also, if the winning team is up by four goals but the losing team doesn’t have a seventh player to add onto the field then the winning team is not required to remove a player.
MENS 35+
: All players must be 35 years or older. No under age players in this league.
All Stadium and Mini field adult leagues have a Foul count format:
- Once any team accumulates six (6) fouls, a 2-minute penalty will be issued to the player that commits the 6th foul. A penalty shot will also be awarded. If a goal is scored then the team that was penalized can bring a player back on the field.
- All fouls, except unintentional handballs, will count towards the team’s total fouls.
- All players can still receive a straight 2-minute penalty for a serious foul.
- If the 6th team foul is a serious foul, in which a straight 2-minute penalty is issued, the team will not have to serve an additional 2-minute penalty. Team fouls will stay at 5 fouls.
- Any player that accumulates three 2-minute penalties, whether due to personal or team fouls, will automatically receive a red card for the rest of the game.
- After a team has reached their 6th foul, team fouls will reset back to zero (0) and all rules 1-5 still apply. If
These are the kind of fouls that will be counted:
–Pushing with any part of the body.
–Tripping, this includes hacking.
–Holding with hands, arms, or legs.
–Charging in a careless manner or from behind.
–Dangerous play, like boarding, elbowing, or slide tackling.
–Jumping at a player without playing the ball.
–Impeding or obstruction.
–Intentional handball or gaining advantage/possession by touching or stopping the ball in an unlawful way.
–Foul or abusive language toward an opponent, spectator, referee, or NCSP employee.
These are the kind of fouls that will not be counted toward the six fouls:
–Unintentional hand balls.
–Three line violations for the goalie.
–Pass backs to the keeper.
–Too many players on the field. When a team has too many players on the field then a 2-minute penalty is given. The 2-minute penalty is for the player wanting to come on.
–Delay of game.
–Dissent, either by words or gesture, toward the referee. This will get the player a straight 2-minute penalty.
Make sure that everyone arrives 20-30 minutes before the first scheduled game time, to pay team fee in FULL. All your players must have a valid NCSP Player ID card and be added to the team roster before they can play. The NCSP Player ID card is $30.00 annually. Lost NCSP Player ID cards are replaced for $5.00. All adult league players must be over the age of 18 – NO EXCEPTIONS. First game will not start until team registration is paid in FULL! NCSP offers players three convenient ways to pay in office, over the phone 858-748-4260, or online
Rosters must be finalized before the eighth, regular-season game. Players can add to a team anytime, except for the finals. Once a player plays one game with a team, he/she must stay on that team for the duration of that season. A maximum of 18 players are permitted on a roster. NCSP suggests putting 18 players on your roster in case of injury or attrition. However, players can only be added to the team roster if the office has a waiver on file for that player beforehand. Also, all players that intend to play must wear an identical game shirt/jersey with a visible, permanent number on the back or sleeve. The number a player wears must match with their name on the team roster. No duplicate numbers. The number cannot be applied with a marker or tape. No sharing or swapping jerseys/shirts. Subs may play without a number but wear an identical team shirt with either S1, S2, S3, or S4 permanently applied to the back or sleeve. New teams/players are allowed their first game of the season to fully comply.
Plan ahead – a proper game shirt is your players’ key to being able to play. Players not prepared will not be allowed to play.
Teams that are presently registered and playing have up to their last regular season game, to secure a place in the following season by giving a $200.00 deposit. We want you to stay but can’t assume you will be coming back. After the sixth game, registration for the league is open.
Unsportsmanlike behavior will not be tolerated at NCSP and will result in a long suspension with no refund as described in NCSP’s rules.
The clock will start at your designated game time after a five-minute grace period. Warm up before you enter the playing field. Be ready to play at game time or miss valuable playing time! If the minimum number of players (2) is not present after the clock runs for 5 minutes then the game is called a forfeit. Schedules are written so that every team plays 8 games. If your team forfeits, you not only decrease the amount of games your team plays but also the amount the other team can play….please be considerate of this fact and make all your games. Teams not showing up for finals don’t forfeit any money except referee fees.
In case of a forfeit, the forfeiting team will lose their forfeit deposit and will be required to pay another refundable forfeit deposit before playing in the next game. Each time a team forfeits against you, and your team does not use the field, you will receive a credit of 1/8 of your team fee. (If a team has multiple forfeits within a season, multiple forfeit deposits will be required.) All forfeits are 0-10 losses by forfeiting team. Finals are considered a free game; teams are not penalized or credited for a forfeit.
MINI FIELD—Total registration fee is $300.00 ($50 of the $300 is a refundable forfeit deposit). $200.00 is due before the season starts and the FULL team balance is due before the 1st game. For every game that you miss because of the other team forfeiting, and your team did not use the field, there will be a $32 redeemable soccer park credit.
The $50 forfeit deposit must be made the first session and can be held in the captain’s account for future seasons assuming the team does not forfeit. It will be returned on demand if your team plays in all their games and your team does not continue to play in the following season.
Total registration fee is $580.00 ($80 of the $580 is a refundable forfeit deposit). $200.00 is due before the season and the balance of $380.00 is due before the 1st game starts. The $80 forfeit deposit must be made the first session and will be held in the captain’s account for future seasons assuming the team does not forfeit. It will be returned if your team plays all their games and your team does not continue to play in the next session. The $80 deposit can be kept by NCSP if a team does not give us at least one week’s notice of their intent not to continue playing in the league.
Your team will forfeit 0-10 if the entire balance is not paid by the end of the evening on the 1st game.
Your team will not be allowed to play its 2nd game if the balance is not paid.
Sorry, no refunds after the first scheduled game. There will be a $20 service charge for all returned checks.
The $50 (Mini) / $80 (Stadium) forfeit deposit must be made the first session and will be held in the captain’s account for future seasons assuming the team does not forfeit. It will be returned if your team plays all their games and your team does not continue to play in the next session. The $50 (Mini) / $80 (Stadium) deposit can be kept by NCSP if a team does not give us at least one week’s notice of their intent not to continue playing in the league. Dropping out of a league on short notice is very disruptive to all the teams involved.
As team captain, you provided NCSP your credit card number. Teams that change captains should also provide NCSP with the new credit card number of the new captain. If a team captain doesn’t notify the park office of the change then we may use credit card given. NCSP will attempt to use that credit card number to charge your team for any additional charges that arise:
-Dropping out of the league after playing one game or more will result in the credit card being charged the entire team fee. Unpaid fees will cause you to be sent to collections.
-Reestablishing a $50 (Mini) / $80 (Stadium) forfeit deposit to keep the team account current.
-Paying a ref fee that was not paid.
-A lost ball charge of $35. If your team kicks a game ball out of the arena and you don’t or can’t retrieve it then your team will be responsible for it.
For the stadium field games, each team pays the referee $10.00 in cash, for all games. The referee is paid by the players before the game starts.
For the mini field games, each team pays the referee $10.00 in cash for all games.
If the ref is not paid within the five-minute grace period, the game can be considered a forfeit against the team or teams that have not paid. If and when paid, the referee may start the game if both teams agree to shorten the halves so the game will fit into NCSP’s schedule. HAVE YOUR REFEREE MONEY READY BEFORE YOU ENTER THE FIELD. Exact amount is requested since the referee may not have change.
Sorry, no refunds after the first game — There will be a $25.00 administrative fee for refunds before the first game. Except for the High School 3v3, a maximum of TWO children may register to play on the same team at NCSP’s discretion. (i.e. Player A requests Player B and Player B requests player A.) Siblings are guaranteed to be on the same team, unless otherwise requested by the parent/guardian.